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Home | Nos histoires | The secret of monkfish cooked by Chef Elisabeth at Café de l’Homme

The secret of monkfish cooked by Chef Elisabeth at Café de l’Homme

Today, Chef Jimmy Elisabeth unveils a simple recipe to make at home to delight your taste buds. A dish that’s gentle, fresh and quick to prepare.

Monkfish lace with coconut and lime vinaigrette:

Serves 4

Preparation: 10 min Cooking: 15 min

Level: very easy

2 100g monkfish medallions
4 artichoke peppers
1 organic lime
3 cl coconut milk
3 cl olive oil
2 cl white wine
fleur de sel, salad shoots of your choice
Ask your fishmonger to trim the monkfish medallions.
Remove the first leaves from the artichokes and cut into quarters. Pour a dash of olive oil into a saucepan, cook the artichokes for 5 minutes without browning, add salt, white wine and 8 cl water, and simmer gently, covered, for 10 minutes.
Check for doneness with the tip of a knife, drain, reserving the cooking water. In a bowl, mix with the coconut milk, the juice of half a lemon (previously zested) and the olive oil. Set aside.
Slice the monkfish into thin strips, arrange on 4 small plates, add the artichokes and season with the coconut-lime vinaigrette. Sprinkle with lime zest and lettuce shoots and fleur de sel.

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